Men’s ministry is an integral part of any church congregation. There seems to be an alarming gap in the ages of men in the church pews today. At least this is the case at my church. We need to fill this gap and create relationships with eachother. It seems like my generation goes to church and pushes the “Cruise Control” button on the pew in front of them and then checks the time to see how much is left in the service. I want to try and find out why this happens. We need men to be on fire for God and leading our families and our churches.
It seems like God has put men’s ministry on my heart. I started a “Young Men’s Bible Study” last winter at my house. I tried to keep it focused on leadership at church, our jobs, and at home with our families. I am no pro at leadership at all. We all learned together. Each time we met, something was accomplished that wasn’t even intended for the night’s topic. Some of the men came with issues and went home with an answer or a comfort. It was awesome! We took the summer off due to busy schedules and time conflicts. God has totally been working on my heart and making me long for men’s ministry in the church.
I picked up a book called Why Men Hate Going to Church that I have heard good things about. I guess I am looking for ideas from all the men out there that are reading this blog. Women can have their say as well. B is always trying to help me out with ideas and she listens to me rant about my ideas. You know what they say…”Behind every good man is a better woman.”
What do you all think? What have you done in men’s ministry? What did you like to do/want to do? Feel free to leave a comment on this very subject. I want to make this blog entry a resource for other men who want to start a men’s ministry program at their church. I will joing into the replies. Men that are on fire for God are so important in our churches! It fires up our families and friends and coworkers for God! Let’s light that one match together to start a blaze of men on fire for God!