Archive for the 'Children' Category

The internet really astonishes me sometimes. I was looking for some suggestions of baby toys for my child. He really likes to be held. I mean, he REALLY likes it. I can lay him down and he will cry like crazy. Needless to say, We needed to make a change and figure out how to […]

Wow is this a crazy question to ask.  Some people ask newly weds for 2 years if they are expecting yet. Having your first child can be crazy and awesome at the same time. People say that it changes your life. Having kids is a huge responsibility. We are ready to go down this road […]

It seems that as soon as M and I got married, we were instantly bombarded with questions about when we were going to have children. Some people do it just to harass us, while others are just being nosey. No matter what their intentions in asking, it has really started getting to the point where […]


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