Archive for the 'How To' Category

The internet really astonishes me sometimes. I was looking for some suggestions of baby toys for my child. He really likes to be held. I mean, he REALLY likes it. I can lay him down and he will cry like crazy. Needless to say, We needed to make a change and figure out how to […]

It is amazing to me what some people search for online. I have been getting a ton of search hits for “How to Swing Wife.” Swinging together can be a key attribute to a healthy relationship. It creates a quite time for you and your wife to talk and enjoy the weather. You can meet […]

I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions; It seemed that people who made them were almost always just talk. But after stepping on the scale yesterday morning, I have quickly changed my mind about resolutions! I was so shocked to see that “138.2” pop up on the scale that I had to weigh […]


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