Archive for the 'Marriage' Category

We have some ideas for some fun, untraditional or nontraditional wedding photos.  weddings are fun. Let your personalities fly on the big day. The Wedding pictures are what you can look back on. Here are a few ideas: Take the wedding party to a playground and climb all over the jungle gym. Have everybody jump […]

Having open and honest communication with your spouse is essential to a healthy relationship. This was drilled into M and I during our pre-marital counseling, as well as the marriage classes we have attended at our church during our 2 and 1/2 years of marriage. Like many of you, we feel we have a strong, […]

It seems like the holidays can really stress a marriage. It is hard to buy gifts for women. I always think “What do women want for Christmas?” I love Christmas. I love it for the real reason. Jesus was born in a manger, a Savior was born. Sadly, Christmas has lost the real meaning for […]


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