Archive for the 'Love' Category

It’s one of the most exciting times of your life: planning your wedding. But somewhere between deciding on the ceremony location and the number of guests, you soon find that you and your fiancé have some pretty different ideas of how you want your wedding to be. One of you wants to elope to Bermuda, […]

It seems like every tv show has a guy and a girl dating on it and their relationship is “perfect”. One of them will find out that they got accepted into a really good school across the country. It is a classic relationship tester and makes for a few drawn out episodes detailing the struggle. […]

B and I drove to an informational meeting at The University of Phoenix. I have been looking heavily at getting my Masters Degree for the last 2 or so years. I looked around locally and there wasn’t too much to choose from. I had been reading and hearing about the University of Phoenix for some […]


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