Archive for the 'Relationships' Category

It’s tough enough being a college student, but trying to find a balance between homework, working a part-time job, and having time for your spouse is even harder. It feels that the older I get, the more stretched out I feel. I’ve got a finger in everything that’s going on around me, and trying to […]

Some people think that going to school while you are married is tough on your relationship. It seems like it has almost made ours better! Granted, it has been less than a week. B thinks it’s cute that I am her little school boy. She is equally excited that I am getting my Master’s Degree. […]

It seems that when you first start dating someone, everyone has their own opinion about your significant other and they are more than willing to share it with you, whether it is welcomed or not. Depending on your situation, you really need to carefully weigh out what the important people in your life are seeing […]


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