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In the quest of finding a life partner, many men and women resort to dating as their source of finding love. However, not everyone’s idea of dating is the same. Singles can be divided into five general dating categories; avoidant, intermittent, casual, serious daters, and dating addicts. Depending on an individuals approach to dating determines the category of dating technique. As you read through this, try and identify what dating style is your own, and what the positives and negatives are.

Avoidant Daters

Avoidant daters are singles who don’t date at all, even if the opportunity comes along. One reason a man or woman chooses not to date is time. For example, some people feel that between work, school, family, church, and friends, they just don’t have any time for the dating game. Another reason one might date is because it isn’t appealing to them. Some people just flat out aren’t interested in dating at the certain points in their lives. There are also those who aren’t allowed to date. Some parents have ruled that their children can’t date until they reach a certain age. Besides all of these reasons one might not date, there is always the fact that some people simply don’t get the opportunity, even if they are interested. Dating takes two individuals, and for some, the other half just hasn’t come into the picture quite yet. Continue reading ‘What is Your Dating Technique?’

This is a great video regarding commitment, marriage, and relationship. Marriage is a life-long relationship. There is no upgrading or uninstalling it.

I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions; It seemed that people who made them were almost always just talk. But after stepping on the scale yesterday morning, I have quickly changed my mind about resolutions! I was so shocked to see that “138.2” pop up on the scale that I had to weigh myself again several times to make sure it was right. It was. And I was not a happy camper. I called M at work right away and started ranting to him about how I’ve somehow put on 10 pounds, and practically yelled “This is the most I’ve ever weighed!”

This is really the first time in my life I have experienced a huge emotional meltdown when I stepped on the scale. I felt angry at myself for not being more careful. But with M’s help, I am turning that anger into motivation to lose the weight and get myself back to where I was, or maybe even better than what I was. So how am I going to do it? By sitting down right now and making my game plan! Here it is:

First of all, I’m definitely not doing this alone. M will not only be cheering me on, but he’ll be going through this as well. He lost quite a bit of weight last year, and wants to continue to do so, which will be a huge motivator for me! Having both partners decide to change their lifestyles is essential for success in this case. My sister-in-law, Sarah, has also decided to be a part of our quest to shed some extra pounds. This is exciting because the more people involved in our weight loss pool, the more competitive and motivated I get, as well as being accountable to more than one person. So if you want to get in shape, drag your significant other into it as well, or a best friend. It will increase your probability of success. Continue reading ‘Making a New Year’s Resolution as a Couple’


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