Archive Page 7

For some reason, women like to cuddle. They love to snuggle up on the couch and share a blanket. My wife seems to always need a touch or to be close to me when I am sitting on the couch. I don’t mind it, but sometimes it gets warm or somewhat annoying.

I feel bad when I don’t feel like cuddling sometimes. I enjoy my space and like to relax after work. I realize that this is one of her needs though. I tend to be a warm blooded person who gets really hot extremely fast.

If women need to be close and cuddle, men need to just do it. Make an effort to always make your wife happy. It may drive you nuts, but push through and meet that need. I am sure your wife or girlfriend goes out of her comfort zone to do things for you. Return the favor. Here are a few tips to help you along the way:

  • Set a goal of making an effort to initiate the cuddle once a week without her asking.
  • Grab a blanket and cover her up and ask if you can share the covers.
  • Set the air conditioning higher or turn the heat down.
  • Leave her a note before you leave for work saying that you want her to get her favorite blanket and cuddle when you get home.
  • Rent a movie and eat popcorn together.
  • My wife hates ironing clothes. It turns out that I hate ironing and I do a bad job. It makes me feel extremely loved if she does it for me. This makes my ability to cuddle a little easier because she blesses me with ironing. Marriage is all about blessing each other and making your love grow stronger.

    What do you do to bless your wife/husband? Feel free to leave a comment. I love to hear other techniques! Specifically about cuddling…

    Changing jobs or even thinking about it can be hard on relationships. There are a few things that you need to remember while making a life-changing decision like this. Let our story help you in your decision making process. Feel free to comment to give any tips or thoughts.

    This past week has been a stressful one. It has been hard on our relationship because I have been looking at another job that had presented itself to me. It was my first attempt at looking for another job while currently employed. It was also the first time I had gone through a time like this with my wife. It seemed like the weeks took so long to go by. I was full of anxiety the whole time. From the time I clicked send in my email with the resume to the time I made a decision about the job.

    It was an opportunity that was extremely hard to pass up. My wife knew that from the start and so did I. The problem was that we would of had to move to a different town about 2 hours away and try and sell out current house. The housing market is not what it used to be and I was having serious doubts about trying to sell a house. Our life was extremely busy and full of decisions for the short span of about 3 weeks. It is amazing how much you can talk about something with your wife and never really come to a clear understanding of the direction we needed to go. It was a huge decision.

    The job would have provided great benefits to me as well as a substantial salary increase. The area would of been great for B to find a job that she liked with her degree. It was all looking so good to us. We both had are minds on a salary figure that we felt meant that God wanted us to move to the new location and take the job. Both of our families did not like the idea, but they wanted what was best for us. The real issue of why we didn’t make the move is because of timing. Continue reading ‘Relationships and Changing Jobs’

    This quote is a keeper. I read it and love it. I need to care for and nourish my wife’s love and it was a great quote that I read at the right time. I hope it speaks volumes to you as it did to me.

    A man does not own a marriage; he is only a steward of his wife’s love.

    From Manhood 101: How to Be a Man of Courage and Integrity in a World of Compromise


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